Janet really enjoys painting in oil, drawing and composing original compositions. She likes to play with line work, mark making and color. Since childhood, Janet has loved to draw horses and rode these beautiful creatures whenever possible. Her career in fashion design evolved into her passion for painting. She exercised polo ponies for several years and lovingly cared for two horses of her own. While her focus remains on horses her talents have expanded to include other animals. There is a precious quality in the eyes of these beautiful creatures. Portraying this in her art brings great joy to herself and also the viewer. She especially enjoys her commission paintings and pours her heart, knowledge and talent into everything that she paints.

Painting is a fun and interesting journey. I often wonder as I paint who the painting will go too, who will know that this painting is meant for them. Last October my friend and client, Dorothy came to my Open Studios Art Show and fell in love with this oil painting, ‘Night Dancers.’ It was immediate and she told me, this is the one. Thank you Dorothy for adding this colorful painting of horses to your home! We both feel such deep passion for these beautiful creatures. I am so happy that this painting now lives with you!

Night Dancers, oil on canvas and Dorothy

Join me in my studio for a tour of my paintings, drawings and sculptures! My studio will be open to the public October 16th & 17th 2021, from 11 am to 5 pm. My studio is located at 471 Larch lane, Santa Cruz, Ca. 95062

The process of creation is one of great love and passion! These ceramic sculptures may capture your imagination too. You are invited to visit my studio and my paintings, drawing and ceramic sculptures for Open Studios Art Tour October 2nd & 3rd and 16th & 17th. The hours are from 11 am to 5 pm at my art studio located at 471 Larch lane, Santa Cruz, Ca. 95062

Commission Surprise

A photo of Tommy

I really enjoy commission paintings. Especially when it is a surprise! My friend Karla asked me to paint her dear friend’s horse Tommy as a surprise gift for Tommy’s owner Kriss. I made arrangements with the barn owner where Tommy lives and hoped that Kriss would not stop by while I was there. When I arrived the horses were finishing up breakfast and Tommy was busy chewing his hay. Most of the photos that I took had his mouth in odd chewing positions. I waited patientley until Tommy finally looked over at me as if to say, why are you still here? Photo taken, no chewing! We met last weekend at a local winery where Karla gave the painting to her friend Kriss. She loved her painting of her beloved horse! It was a very fun day.

I am so blessed to meet such sweet people through creating my artworks. Its like a resonance between us and the paintings are the conduit.

‘Good Luck Rooster lll’ and ‘Curious Calf’

Over the past 10 years Araceli and her daughter have visited me at Open Studios. We always have such a nice exchange whenever I see them. Thank you to Araceli and her daughter Kristin for acquiring these three paintings and making them a part of their home.
It makes my heart so happy!!

Thank you Araceli for bringing this painting into your home and into your heart!

Hello friends! I stopped by the R. Blitzer Gallery yesterday in Santa Cruz. What a wonderful show! A collaboration with The Visual Arts Network. The gallery is open Wednesday and Thursday from 1 to 4 PM or by appointment. Stop by if you can! The show will be on display through the end of March 2021. Masks are required . (I took mine off for the photo)

I recently finished this commission painting for a dear friend of her sister’s dogs, Spot and Oreo. These darling dogs were so much fun to paint. They have such engaging personalities and distinct characters. I really must admit, I love painting commission paintings of the animals that we love so much. It is a calling that brings so much joy to all involved!

This painting has great sentimental meaning to me. I painted this painting of this mighty Buffalo after visiting Yellowstone Park. We were driving one morning in Yellowstone when suddenly a herd of Bison came out of a wooded area and began trotting towards our car. We stopped and gasped as 70 or so bison, males, females and calves, came trotting down the road and trotted by our car. We couldn’t believe the power and size of these beautiful animals. I could have reached out the window and touched them. Seeing all of these horns coming towards us, hearing the weight of their hooves on the pavement, our car shaking in response, and the low guttural sound that the bulls make. It was a memory that I will never forget! Then this story came to me via a friend…Buffalo Chasing the Storm
As the story goes…’when a storm comes a cow will see the storm and run from it, causing the storm to chase it and the cow being in the storm a long time. But the mighty buffalo will face the storm and walk right into it, causing it to go through it much more quickly.’ A metaphor for life. We are served best by facing the storm and challenges that come to us, like the mighty buffalo.